Now showing items 314-333 of 12186

    • The teacher’s authority as the factor of personal influence on students 

      Haluzyak, V.M.; Галузяк, В. М.; Holkovs'ka, I.L.; Холковська, І. Л.; Холковская, И. Л. (Warszawa: Wydawca: Sp. z o.o. «Diamond trading tour», 2015)
      The article defines the essence and types of authority as a factor of the teacher's personal impact on students. Authority is viewed as a relatively stable emotional-value attitude of students to the teacher. An analysis ...
    • The use of adaptive learning in the study of natural and mathematical disciplines as a means of developing students’ independence 

      Sikora, Yaroslava; Kalenyk, Mykhailo; Hubina, Svitlana; Vasiuta, Viktoriia; Vasiuta, Vasyl (Czech Republic, 2022)
      One of the ways to improve the quality of general education is the development of science-based methodological systems for teaching mathematics, the activation of the educational process, the optimization of pedagogical ...
    • The use of authentic materials to lower listening anxiety 

      Бучацька, Світлана (Вінниця : Твори, 2023)
      The researchers emphasize that materials playing a decisive role in the presentation of the content should be carefully selected in order to provide the students with accurate information about the target language and ...
    • The use of computer-oriented technologies for the formation of legal competence of future teachers 

      Drachuk, Mariana; Fedorovych, Zoryana; Polishchuk, Anna; Lapshyn, Serhii; Zinko, Iryna (Praha. Česká republika, Nemoros, 2022)
      The article analyzes the approaches to dening the concept of legal competence as a complex integrative personal education in the holistic structure of the teacher's personality, which includes general legal and professional ...
    • The use of different types of visual aids in teaching grammar material : курсова робота 

      Синчук, Ірина Віталіївна; Синчук, И. В.; Synchuk, I. V. (Вінниця; ВДПУ, 2021)
      The paper analyzes the use of different types of visual aids in educational and grammatical materials. The author includes such types of visualization as external, internal, communicative-speech, linguistic-schematic in ...
    • The use of english-language multimedia materials in the formanion of grammatical skills: theoretical aspects. 

      Романюк, К. (2023)
      A lot of visuals or images have been used to aid in the teaching and learning of languages. When teaching grammar, employing visuals helps students acquire particular grammatical rules or aspects faster. Particularly ...
    • The use of game technology to develop speaking skills in English lessons in secondary school : курсова робота 

      Біктімірова, Юлія Олексіївна; Биктимирова, Ю. А.; Biktimirova, Y. A. (Вінниця: ВДПУ, 2021)
      The study analyzes game technologies for the development of speaking skills in English classes in the middle grades. The game is considered as a means of developing certain speech skills, teaching communicative skills, ...
    • Theoretical analysis of the concept «Professional development of the future teacher» 

      Kaplinskiy, V. V.; Kaplinskyi, V. V.; Каплінський, В. В.; Каплинский, В. В. (Kaunas : Izdevnieciba «Baltija Publishing», 2018)
      The article discusses the different approaches and the author's understanding of the concept of «future teachers» professional formation
    • Theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of the problem of adult education. 

      Vasylyuk, A.; Skripnik, M. (2021)
      The presented monograph on adult education covers many aspects. First of all, it concerns the theoretical and methodological aspects of adult education. The discussed theories and philosophical directions as well as ...
    • Tolerance as a Criterion of Teacher`s Personal Maturity 

      Галузяк, В. М.; Haluziak, V. M.; Холковська, І. Л.; Холковская, И.; Kholkovska, I. (Łódź : Wydawnictwo Społecznej Akademii Nauk, 2018)
      Targeted modernization of education on the basis of humanization and democratization significantly change the requirements for the professional position and strategy of a teacher, provide the rejection of the directive ...
    • Toponyme Als Realien der Sprache und der Kultur: Problem der Bedeutung 

      Добіжа, Н. В.; Добижа, Н. В.; Dobizha, N. V. (Миколаїв, 2017)
      Der Beitrag untersucht die linguokulturologischen Besonderheiten der Bildung der phraseologischen Einheiten mit toponymischen Komponenten in der deutschen Sprache. Dabei wird dargelegt, auf welche Art und Weise die ...
    • Tourism and recreational development of the Southern Bug River . 

      Denysyk, B.G.; Денисик, Б.Г. (2015)
      The article provides an overview of the environment and, partially, the landscapes of the Southern Pobuzya. The author explores current tourist and recreational uses of the three distinct regions of the Southern Pobuzya, ...
    • Training of the future teacher to implement the principles of partnership pedagogy 

      Любчак, Людмила; Lyubchak, Lyudmila; Дабіжа, Людмила; Dabizha, Lyudmila (Riga, Latvia : «Baltija Publishing», 2018)
      The article is dedicated to studying the problem of readiness of future teachers to implement the principles of partnership in the conditions of the New Ukrainian School. It substantiates the need to use active learning ...
    • Traveling waves in systems of oscillators on 2D-lattices 

      Bak, S. N.; Бак, С. М.; Бак, С. Н.; Pankov, А. А.; Панков, О. А.; Панков, А. А. (2011)
      A system of differential equations that describes the dynamics of an infinite system of linearly coupled nonlinear oscillators on a 2D-lattice is considered. The exponential estimate of the solution and some results on the ...
    • Trudności wspуłczesnych uczniуw edukacji wczesnoszkolnej w zakresie edukacji matematycznej a kompetencje nauczycieli (doniesienia z badań pilotażowych) 

      Janicka-Panek, Teresa; Яніцька-Панек, Тереса; Janicka-Panek, Teresa (Вінниця : Друк плюс, 2020)
      Edukacja matematyczna jest dla niektуrych dzieci trudna, co skłoniło mnie do zajęcia się tymi problemami. Dobуr odpowiednich metod nauczania i uczenia się matematyki w edukacji wczesnoszkolnej jest bardzo ważny, ponieważ ...
    • Turystyka i rekreacja na obszarach wiejskich. 

      Volovyk, O. (2023)
      Rozwój turystyki wiejskiej cieszył się coraz większym zainteresowaniem w latach 90 ХХ wieku, a rosnąca literatura przyczyniła się do zrozumienia jej jako ewoluującego zjawiska. Turystyka wiejska weszła w drugą fazę rozwoju, ...
    • TWITCH як засіб комунікації в умовах дистанційного навчання 

      Герасимишин, Віктор (Вінниця: ВДПУ, 2021)
      Twitch має необмежений час при перебуванні у прямому ефірі та у профілі викладача після трансляції можна зберегти трансляцію для студентів, які не з’явилися тому використання даної платформи позитивно вплине на навчальний процес.
    • Ukrainian idea of Ihor Hubarzhevskyi 

      Kravchuk, O.; Кравчук, О.; Кравчук, А. Н.; Kravchuk, L.; Кравчук, Л. (Вінниця : «ТВОРИ», 2019)
      The article is highlighted the views of a talented linguist, church figure, publicist, poet, prose writer I. Hubarzhevsky (1905-1970) on the principles of the revival and development of the Ukrainian state. The main ...
    • Ukrainian universities under the pressure of pandemic: the effects of pandemic on teacher leadership, self-education and life-long learning 

      Матвієнко, О.В.; Матвиенко, О.В.; Matvienko, O.V.; Кузьміна, С.А.; Кузьмина, С.А.; Kuzmina, S.A.; Ямчинська, Т.І.; Ямчинская, Т.И.; Yamchunska, T.I.; Глазунова, Т.В.; Glazunova, T. V. (Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Lifelong Education and Leadership for All”. Sakarya University., 2020)
      В статье раскрыто влияние пандемии на украинское образование. Во время пандемии украинские университеты столкнулись с большими проблемами, чем учебные заведения других европейских стран. Авторы раскрывают причины, вызывающие ...
    • Underground version of industrial landscapes in the region of uranium mining in Ukraine. 

      Kozynska, I.P.; Козинська, І.П. (2015)
      In this article I examined the main types of underground industrial landscape that were formed in the region of uranium excavation – Mining and Drilling. I characterized the main features of underground mining cavities ...