• Educational Technologies for Maturing Democratic Approaches to Educational Practices in Ukraine 

      Powell, David V.; Пауел, Д. В.; Kuzmina, S. A.; Кузьміна, С. А.; Кузьмина, С. А.; Yamchynska, T. I.; Ямчинська, Т. І.; Ямчинская, Т. И. (Київ; Вінниця : Планер, 2016)
      Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University has taken significant steps in policy and practice toward democratization of education. However, many Ukrainian universities have failed to meet European standards required of the ...
    • Educational Technologies for Maturing Democratic Approaches to Pedagogical Practices in Ukraine 

      Кузьміна, С. А.; Кузьмина, С. А.; Kuzmina, S. A.; Пауел, Д.; Пауэл, Д.; Powell, D.; Ямчинська, Т.; Ямчинская, Т.; Yamchynska, T.; Шестопалюк, О.; Шестопалюк, А.; Shestopaliuk, О.; Кузьмін, Е.; Кузьмин, Е.; Kuzmin, Y. (Procedia – Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2015)
      Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University has taken significant steps in policy and practice toward democratization of education. However, many Ukrainian universities have failed to meet European standards required of the ...
    • Effective word-learning strategies for teaching english as a foreign language 

      Dovhan, L. (Вінниця: ВДПУ, 2020)
      Thus, acquisition of vocabularyshould be an important area of teaching English as a foreign language since improvements in vocabulary result in the gains in language proficiency.
    • English for Lawyers 

      Матієнко, О.С.; Яцишин, О.М.; Бардашевська, Ю.О. (Видавництво ВДПУ імені Михайла Коцюбинського, 2019)
      Основний курс навчального посібника складається із двадцяти шести фахових тем, які містять автентичну інформацію про основні поняття та явища системи законів України, словник-мінімум базової юридичної термінології, фахові ...
    • English Language Education at Ukrainian University: Interdisciplinary Aspect 

      Матвієнко, О.В.; Матвиенко, О.В.; Matvienko, O.V.; Кузьміна, С.А.; Кузьмина, С.А.; Kuzmina, S.A. (Arab World English Journal: Special Issue on English in Ukrainian Context., 2020)
      The main aim of the article is to consider the interdisciplinary aspect of English language education of pre-service teacher training at Ukrainian university. Since it is a review article, the paper intends to address the ...
    • Enhancing english language assessment through digital tools: a comprehensive exploration 

      Пугачова, Катерина (Вінниця: ВДПУ, 2023)
      There are a number of exciting future directions for research on digital assessment in English language teaching. One area of research is the development of more sophisticated digital assessment tools that can provide more ...
    • Exploring the use of storytelling in education. 

      Качуровська, Ю. (2023)
      In the modern world, possessing communicative skills is an exceptionally important aspect of personal development and successful professional growth. Specifically, monological communication, the ability to express thoughts ...
    • Foreign Language Anxiety: Classroom VS Distance Learning 

      Lisnychenko, Alla; Dovhaliuk, Tamila; Khamska, Neonila; Glazunova, Tamara; Лісниченко, A.; Довгалюк, Т.А.; Хамська, Н.Б.; Глазунова, Т.В. (Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2020)
      Anxiety is a powerful affective factor that makes a negative impact on the foreign language learning and performance. It is important to be aware of the learning conditions that can influence the foreign language anxiety ...
    • Formation of communicative competence as a component of soft skills of future teachers 

      Kondratieva, Olena (Вінниця : Твори, 2023)
      Thus, we came to the conclusion that the formation of communicative competence of future teachers contribute to development of soft skills, which are relevant in the process professional training of future specialists.
    • Functions of legal culture of future lawyers 

      Zarichanskiy, O. A; Заричанский, О. А.; Зарічанська, Н. В.; Заричанская, Н. В.; Zarichanskaya, N. V. (Уфа:РИЦ БашГУ, 2015)
      The article deals with the basic functions of legal culture of future law-yers. It’s has been proved that the interaction of legal culture with other forms of social consciousness should be considered as vertically - the ...
    • Functions of legal culture of future lawyers 

      Зарічанська, Н. В.; Заричанская, Н. В.; Zarichanska, N. V. (Уфа: РИЦ Баш ГУ, 2015)
      В статье рассматриваются основные функции правовой культуры будущих юристов. Доказано, что функция взаимодействия правовой культуры с другими формами общественного сознания необходимо рассматривать как по вертикали - ...
    • G suite platform for english teacher training 

      Glazunova, T.; Kuzmina, S. (Вінниця: ВДПУ, 2020)
      While working on the G Suite platform the faculty members of the department of foreign languages improve the awareness of technologies and the methodologies of web-based teaching. However, it is never a one-way stream. ...
    • Gamification as an effective means of learning vocabulary at english lessons. 

      Демідова, Є. (2023)
      international competitions and festivals, and for travel. Of course, for this, a child should have a significant vocabulary, so teachers strive to find the most effective methods and exercises ...
    • Gamified English Language Learning in Ukraine: Critical Divide between Tradition and Innovation 

      Olha Matviienko; Svitlana Kuzmina; Zoya Yanishevska; Матвієнко О., Кузьміна С., Янішевська З. (Arab World English Journal (AWEJ), 2023)
      The article aims to describe gamification and educational technologies integrated into English teacher education as impactful and novel practices in Ukraine. Therefore the study briefly reviews educational technologies ...
    • Gender roles construction in the British press of the XXI century 

      Козачишина, О.Л.; Козачишина, О.Л.; Kozachyshyna, O.L; Федорчук, Н.В.; Федорчук, Н.В.; Fedorchuk, N.V. (Science and Education a new Dimension (Philology)., 2020)
      The article deals with the study of two-component nominal word combinations containing gender markers “woman”, “female”, “lady”, “girl”, “male”, “man”, “boy” in the British newspapers of 2017-2018. The analysis of the ...
    • Globalization and Internationalization in Education: Pros and Cons 

      Кузьміна, С. А.; Кузьмина, С. А.; Kuzmina, Svitlana A.; Глазунова, Т. В.; Glazunova, T. V. (Маріуполь, 2018)
      The article deals with the issues of globalization and internationalization in education, their positive and negative impact. It considers educational integration as a process that provides a great many opportunities for ...
    • Hackathon technology as an integral part of distance learning in time of war 

      Дуброва, Оксана (Вінниця : Твори, 2023)
      So in time of war or when traditional classroom teaching is not possible, hackathon technology can be used to develop and support remote English language teaching platforms, ensuring access to education even in challenging ...
    • Higher Education in the United States: (навчальний посібник) 

      Громов, Євген Володимирович; Громов, Е. В.; Gromov, Y. V.; Дерезюк, Ірина Володимирівна; Дерезюк, И.В.; Derezjuk, I. V (Вінниця : ВДПУ, 2004)
      The textbook is intended for full-time and part-time pedagogical students and is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the «English language program for non-language specialties.»
    • Incorporating video content in the esl classroom: learning strategies and conceptual sidelines 

      Зарічна, О. В.; Зарична, Е. В.; Zarichna, O. V.; Мельник, Л. В.; Melnyk, L.; Litvinova, A.; Літвінова, A. М.; Литвинова, А. М. (Вінниця : ВДПУ, 2017)
      Стаття присвячена проблемі використання автентичних відеоресурсів, зокрема фільмів і трейлерів, у вивченні іноземної мови. Поєднання звукового і візуального образів, реальні ситуації спілкування, що мають відповідне мовне ...
    • Incorporating Video Content in the ESL Classroom: Learning Strategies and Conceptual Sidelines. 

      Зарічна, О.В.; Заричная, Е. В.; Zarichna, O.V.; Мельник, Л. В.; Мельник, Л. В.; Melnyk, L. V.; Літвінова, А. М.; Литвинова, А. Н.; Litvinova, A. M. (Вінниця : ТОВ фірма «Планер», 2018)
      The article is dedicated to incorporation of authentic video resources, films and trailers in particular, in the process of foreign language learning. The article presents an integral methodology of using this video resource ...