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dc.contributor.authorЧорна, Наталя Борисівна
dc.contributor.authorЧёрная, Н. Б.
dc.contributor.authorChorna, N. B.
dc.identifier.citationЧорна Наталя Борисівна. Формування готовності до професійного саморозвитку майбутніх учителів мистецьких спеціальностей: автореф. та дис. ... канд. пед. наук : [спец.] 13.00.04 "Теорія і методика проф. освіти" / Чорна Наталя Борисівна ; Вінницький держ. пед. ун-т імені Михайла Коцюбинського. - Захищена 15.11.2016. - Вінниця, 2016. - 21 с., 259 с.uk_UA
dc.descriptionОсвіта. Вища освіта. Педагогіка. Мистецтвоuk_UA
dc.description.abstractДисертацію присвячено вивченню проблеми формування готовності до професійного саморозвитку майбутніх учителів мистецьких спеціальностей. Визначено, обґрунтовано й експериментально перевірено методику реалізації педагогічних умов ефективної підготовки студентів до означеної діяльності. З’ясовано компонентну структуру, критерії, показники та рівні готовності майбутніх учителів мистецьких спеціальностей до професійного саморозвитку. У процесі експериментальної роботи доведено, що впровадження методики на основі визначених педагогічних умов сприяє позитивним змінам у рівнях готовності студентів до означеної діяльності.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractИсследование посвящено актуальной проблеме подготовки будущих учителей художественных специальностей к профессиональному саморазвитию. Теоретически обоснованы педагогические условия подготовки будущих учителей художественных специальностей к профессиональному саморазвитию, експериментально проверена методика их реализации. Определены критерии, показатели, уровни готовности к профессиональному саморазвитию будущих учителей художественных специальностей. В исследовании доказано, что профессиональное саморазвитие является сложным интегративным качеством будущих учителей художественных специальностей и в определенных педагогических условиях способствует положительным изменениям в уровнях готовности к профессиональному саморазвитию.ru
dc.description.abstractThe analysis of philosophical, psychological and pedagogical literature allowed us to define self-development of a personality as a process and result of gradual and free ascent of а person to the ideal on the basis of integrated interactions of social, personal, external and internal factors. We regard professional self-development as continuous, purposeful process of personal and professional development aimed at the improvement of their own professional competence by improving professionally significant qualities and skills and creative abilities according to the social requirements to achieve significant results in their future careers. Readiness for professional self-development of future teachers of artistic disciplines is defined as professionally important quality of a student's personality, which is characterized by a positive attitude to artistic and educational activities, the desire for continuous self-creation on the basis of acmeological positions which are formed during the process of self-improvement of professional knowledge, development of creative abilities and skills, improvement of teacher skills and implementation of personal capabilities and professional creative potential. Structural components of the designated willingness are motivational and volitional component (value attitude to future career, focus on professional self-development in educational activities, development of volitional qualities); cognitive-intellectual component (system of general educational and artistic knowledge, awareness of the nature of the content of professional self-development, intellectual development); creative-activity component (practical readiness for professional self-development, creativity). According to the defined components of readiness for professional self-development of future teachers of artistic disciplines some criteria were described that were specified in terms of motivational and volitional criterion (availability of interest in the artistic and educational activities, awareness of personal and social significance of professional self-development, the type of motivation and formation of professional needs of self-development, formation of professional volitional qualities); cognitive-intellectual criterion (the amount of knowledge about the nature, content and features of professional self-development of future teachers of artistic disciplines, the development of artistic erudition); creative-activity criteria (formation of skills of professional self-realization; readiness for independent creative activity, the presence of creativity and desire of self-development of creative potential). The levels of readiness of future teachers of artistic disciplines for professional self-development were defined and characterised, they are competence (high), reproduction (average) and fragmented (low). Pedagogical conditions that ensure the efficient process of formation of readiness for professional self-development of the future teachers of artistic disciplines were grounded: strengthening of motivational foundation of professional self-development of students of art specialties based on acmeological positions; implementation of competence approach to professional training of future teachers of artistic disciplines based on pedagogical innovation; enrichment of creative potential of students in the process of involving to artistic and educational activities. The model of formation of readiness for professional self-development of the future teachers of artistic disciplines was elaborated which reflects the structural components of the process according to the goal, objectives, methodological approaches, including criteria, indicators, levels of development and the stages, methods and forms of realization of pedagogical conditions that allow to define a scientific problem more clearly, to combine theoretical and empirical points in pedagogical research, outline the most essential features of experimental teaching methods, to test the hypothesis of the research and project results. In the process of the dissertation research the methods of implementing pedagogical conditions of formation of readiness for professional self-development of future teachers of artistic disciplines were developed and experimentally tested that include value-motivational phase (development of motivational component of readiness for professional self-development of students), cognitive-activity stage (formation of competence of professional self-development of future teachers) and personal-creative stage (creating conditions for maximum creative self-realization). The analysis of the results which had been received in the process of experimental verification showed positive dynamics of formation of readiness for professional self-development among future teachers of artistic disciplines which indicates the efficiency of the methods of implementing pedagogical conditions. In particular, the number of students with a high level of readiness for professional self-development increased. Instead the number of students with a low level decreased significantly. This connclusion is based on comparing the results of the control and experimental groups, as well as the processing of figures obtained in the process of the implementation of control tasks at each stage and summarizing the results. Thus, the implementation of the proposed methods of realisation of educational conditions of formation of readiness for professional self-development will improve the quality of training of future teachers of artistic disciplines significantly. Key words: self-development, readiness for professional self-development among future teachers of artistic disciplines, pedagogical conditions; model of formation of readiness for professional self-development.en
dc.publisherВінниця (ВДПУ)uk_UA
dc.subjectготовність до професійного саморозвитку майбутніх учителів мистецьких спеціальностейuk_UA
dc.subjectметодика реалізації педагогічних умовuk_UA
dc.subjectтворчий потенціалuk_UA
dc.subjectготовность к профессиональному саморазвитию будущих учителей художественных специальностейuk_UA
dc.subjectметодика реализации педагогических условий готовности к профессиональному саморазвитиюuk_UA
dc.subjectуровни готовностиuk_UA
dc.subjectтворческий потенциалuk_UA
dc.subjectreadiness for professional self-development among future teachers of artistic disciplinesuk_UA
dc.subjectpedagogical conditionsuk_UA
dc.subjectmodel of formation of readiness for professional self-developmentuk_UA
dc.titleФормування готовності до професійного саморозвитку майбутніх учителів мистецьких спеціальностей: автореф. та дис. ... канд. пед. наук : [спец.] 13.00.04 "Теорія і методика проф. освіти"
dc.title.alternativeФормирование готовности к профессиональному саморазвитию будущих учителей художественных специальностейuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeThe formation of the readiness for the professional self-development оf future teacher of artistic disciplinesuk_UA

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