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dc.contributor.authorКороль, Володимир Петрович
dc.contributor.authorКороль, В. П.
dc.contributor.authorKorol, V. P.
dc.identifier.citationФормування у майбутніх учителів технологій професійної компетентності з основ аграрного виробництва: автореф. та дис. ... канд. пед. наук : [спец.] 13.00.04 "Теорія і методика проф. освіти" / Король Володимир Петрович ; Вінницький держ. пед. ун-т імені Михайла Коцюбинського. – Захищена 19.04.2016. – Вінниця, 2016. – 20 с., 293 с.
dc.descriptionОсвіта Професійно-технічна освіта. Професійна компетентність. Основи аграрного виробництваuk_UA
dc.description.abstractУ дисертації розроблено й обґрунтовано модель формування у майбутніх учителів технологій професійної компетентності з основ аграрного виробництва, що складається з мотиваційно-цільового, методологічного, організаційно-методичного, контрольно-оцінного, результативного блоків; визначено й обґрунтовано організаційно-педагогічні умови формування у майбутнього вчителя технологій професійної компетентності з ОАВ (реструктуризація змісту підготовки майбутніх учителів технологій з ОАВ на основі міждисциплінарної інтеграції; організація та управління навчально-творчою діяльністю студентів у процесі вивчення інтегрованого курсу «Основи аграрного виробництва»; упровадження інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій навчання як засобу розвитку пізнавальної активності майбутніх учителів технологій) та експериментально перевірено методику їх системної реалізації; опрацьовано критерії (мотиваційний, гностичний, діяльнісний), показники і рівні (низький, середній, високий) сформованості у майбутніх учителів технологій професійної компетентності з ОАВ.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractВ диссертации разработана и обоснована модель формирования у будущих учителей технологий профессиональной компетентности по основам аграрного производства (ОАП), состоящая из мотивационно-целевого, методологического, организационно-методического, контрольно-оценочного, результативного блоков; определены и обоснованы организационно-педагогические условия формирования у будущего учителя технологий профессиональной компетентности по ОАП (реструктуризация содержания подготовки будущих учителей технологий по ОАП на основе междисциплинарной интеграции; организация и управление учебно-творческой деятельностью студентов в процессе изучения интегрированного курса «Основы аграрного производства»; внедрение информационно-коммуникационных технологий обучения как средства развития познавательной активности будущих учителей технологий) и экспериментально проверена методика их системной реализации; обработаны критерии (мотивационный, гностический, деятельностный), показатели и уровни (низкий, средний, высокий) сформированности у будущих учителей технологий профессиональной компетентности по ОАП.
dc.description.abstractAccording to the psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature analysis the concepts of "professional competence", "teachers’ professional competence", "professional competence in agricultural production of intending teachers of technology" are found out; the structure of professional competence in agricultural production of intending teachers of technology is determined. In our research the professional competence in agricultural production of intending teachers of technology consists of the following structural components: professional – specialized, subject, information competences; communicative – communicative, social and cultural competences; personal – personal, reflective and creative competences. In the dissertation the model of the formation of professional competence in agricultural production of intending teachers of technology is developed and substantiated. It consists of motivation and purpose, methodology, organization, management, evaluation, outcome blocks. The model allows to determine the organizational and pedagogical conditions needed for the formation of professional competence in agricultural production of intending teachers of technology (the restructuring of the training content of intending teachers of technology of agricultural production on the basis of interdisciplinary integration; the organization and management of the students’ educational and creative activity in the integrated course «Basics of Agricultural Production»; the application of the information and communicative learning technologies as the means of cognitive activity development of intending teachers of technology). Essential condition for the formation of professional competence in agricultural production of intending teachers of technology is the design of their professional training. In the process of the selection and structuring of the content of their professional training didactic, peculiar technical, technological and professionally oriented principles were taken into consideration. The means of implementation of the educational content is an academic discipline (in our research it’s integrated course «Basics of Agricultural Production»). In the dissertation we introduce its didactic model which represents the way the structure and its educational material components determine the impartial necessity to integrate knowledge of the modern agricultural production. The method of implementing organizational and pedagogical conditions reflects a set of interrelated forms (classroom, extracurricular), methods (methods related to the source of knowledge; methods which determine the level of creativity; methods which determine collective mental activity; imitation methods; methods which define the logic of teaching) and instruments (material and ideal) encouraging the optimization, activation and intensification of the process of the formation of professional competence in agricultural production of intending teachers of technology. The effectiveness of various educational forms and methods greatly depends on the means of study. Besides, for the formation of professional competence in agricultural production of intending teachers of technology the courseware «Basics of Agricultural Production», being a sophisticated dynamic system, was developed for informational platform Moodle. In the dissertation the following criteria (gnostic, motivation, activity), indicators and levels of professional competence in agricultural production of intending teachers of technology (low, medium, high) are developed. The experimental research has shown the positive dynamics of the formation of professional competence in agricultural production of intending teachers of technology, the sustainability of outcomes in the course of several years, which allows to substantiate the effectiveness of the offered model. It is concluded that keeping organizational and pedagogical conditions described in the dissertation increases significantly the level of professional competence in agricultural production of intending teachers of technology.
dc.description.abstractAccording to the psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature analysis the concepts of "professional competence", "teachers’ professional competence", "professional competence in agricultural production of intending teachers of technology" are found out; the structure of professional competence in agricultural production of intending teachers of technology is determined. In our research the professional competence in agricultural production of intending teachers of technology consists of the following structural components: professional – specialized, subject, information competences; communicative – communicative, social and cultural competences; personal – personal, reflective and creative competences. In the dissertation the model of the formation of professional competence in agricultural production of intending teachers of technology is developed and substantiated. It consists of motivation and purpose, methodology, organization, management, evaluation, outcome blocks. The model allows to determine the organizational and pedagogical conditions needed for the formation of professional competence in agricultural production of intending teachers of technology (the restructuring of the training content of intending teachers of technology of agricultural production on the basis of interdisciplinary integration; the organization and management of the students’ educational and creative activity in the integrated course «Basics of Agricultural Production»; the application of the information and communicative learning technologies as the means of cognitive activity development of intending teachers of technology). Essential condition for the formation of professional competence in agricultural production of intending teachers of technology is the design of their professional training. In the process of the selection and structuring of the content of their professional training didactic, peculiar technical, technological and professionally oriented principles were taken into consideration. The means of implementation of the educational content is an academic discipline (in our research it’s integrated course «Basics of Agricultural Production»). In the dissertation we introduce its didactic model which represents the way the structure and its educational material components determine the impartial necessity to integrate knowledge of the modern agricultural production. The method of implementing organizational and pedagogical conditions reflects a set of interrelated forms (classroom, extracurricular), methods (methods related to the source of knowledge; methods which determine the level of creativity; methods which determine collective mental activity; imitation methods; methods which define the logic of teaching) and instruments (material and ideal) encouraging the optimization, activation and intensification of the process of the formation of professional competence in agricultural production of intending teachers of technology. The effectiveness of various educational forms and methods greatly depends on the means of study. Besides, for the formation of professional competence in agricultural production of intending teachers of technology the courseware «Basics of Agricultural Production», being a sophisticated dynamic system, was developed for informational platform Moodle. In the dissertation the following criteria (gnostic, motivation, activity), indicators and levels of professional competence in agricultural production of intending teachers of technology (low, medium, high) are developed. The experimental research has shown the positive dynamics of the formation of professional competence in agricultural production of intending teachers of technology, the sustainability of outcomes in the course of several years, which allows to substantiate the effectiveness of the offered model. It is concluded that keeping organizational and pedagogical conditions described in the dissertation increases significantly the level of professional competence in agricultural production of intending teachers of technology.
dc.subjectпрофесійна компетентністьuk_UA
dc.subjectучитель технологійuk_UA
dc.subjectінтегрований курсuk_UA
dc.subjectоснови аграрного виробництваuk_UA
dc.subjectпрофессиональная компетентностьuk_UA
dc.subjectучитель технологийuk_UA
dc.subjectинтегрированный курсuk_UA
dc.subjectосновы аграрного производстваuk_UA
dc.subjectprofessional competenceuk_UA
dc.subjectintending teachers of technologyuk_UA
dc.subjectintegrated courseuk_UA
dc.subjectbasics of agricultural productionuk_UA
dc.titleФормування у майбутніх учителів технологій професійної компетентності з основ аграрного виробництва
dc.title.alternativeФормирование у будущих учителей технологий профессиональной компетентности по основам аграрного производстваuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeThe formation of professional competence in agricultural production of intending teachers of technologyuk_UA

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