Now showing items 1-20 of 286

    • A thematic study of idioms in business discourse 

      Іщук, Н. (Вінниця: ВДПУ, 2020)
      The meaning of the idiomatic expression cannot be deduced by examining the meanings of the constituent lexemes. Arranging business idioms in the suggested TGs could only be the initial stage of further research into their ...
    • Applying the principles of the New Ukrainian School to teacher training: celebrating diversity 

      Sydoriv, Lidia; Sydoriv, Sergiy (Вінниця: ВДПУ, 2023)
      In conclusion, we believe that the New Ukrainian School reform demands greater professionalism on a part of a foreign language teacher. Pedagogical and linguistic competence should be combined with awareness of the global ...
    • Assessment and evaluation of guided reading in the foreign language classroom 

      Pop, Olena (Вінниця, 2020)
      It is essential to work systematically with students and keep records of their progress to help them succeed in learning.
    • Call technologies in teaching writing in esl classroom 

      Подзигун, Олена (Вінниця: ВДПУ, 2023)
      Thus, pre- and in-service language teachers should clearly learn about computer use. When integrated appropriately, CALL technologies can support experiential learning and practice in a variety of modes, provide effective ...
    • Call та mall технології як інструмент взаємодії з учнями в умовах воєнного часу. 

      Мусіхіна, І. (2023)
      Сучасна освіта невпинно змінюється, замінюючи традиційні методи та форми навчання, що спричинено викликами 21 століття, зокрема пандемією COVID-19 та режимом воєнного стану. Викладання в цих умовах є складним завданням, ...
    • Chat gpt as an assistant in students’ research 

      Дацків, Ольга; Шонь, Олена (Вінниця : Твори, 2023)
      The guidelines draft specifies that teachers will have different expectations, and it is important for students to verify what these expectations are before submitting their paper. When research advisors permit the students ...
    • Cloud-based technologies in education and student's needs 

      Лисак, Г. (Вінниця: ВДПУ, 2020)
      However, in addition to the obvious advantages of introducing cloud-based technologies into the higher education system, scientists draw our attention to the disadvantages: the need for a permanent connection to the Internet ...
    • Conceptual metaphors of negative thinking in contemporary american popular psychology discourse 

      Mosiichuk, Antonina (Вінниця, 2020)
      Overall, the analysis of the ontological and structural metaphorical models constituting the figurative component of the NEGATIVE THINKING concept proves that the latter is viewed as a process often limited and restricted ...
    • Conceptual Principles of Studying Quantifiers in Modern Linguistic Studios. 

      Грачова, І. Є. (2023)
      In language, the category of quantity is expressed by various grammatical and lexical means and is represented by a number of meanings; in linguistics, it opposes two concepts: definite quantity – indefinite quantity. The ...
    • Content and language integrated learning: university perspective 

      Zarichna, О. (Вінниця: ВДПУ, 2020)
      The major challenges CLIL implementers currently face related to the course structure and also chronology of language learning occurrences. ESP courses are taught primarily in the first two years of a degree course while ...
    • Cross-cultural creative learning and assessment 

      Данильченко-Черняк, Оксана (Вінниця : Твори, 2023)
      In conclusion, cross-cultural creative learning and assessment represent a dynamic and evolving field that fosters cultural appreciation, innovation, and personal development. Embracing the challenges and opportunities ...
    • Developing intercultural teaching competence. 

      Tomenchuk, M. (2023)
      Intercultural teaching competence represents a critical dimension of effective teaching in today’s diverse educational settings. As they model and encourage perspective-taking, nonjudgmental approaches to differences, ...
    • Die merkmale der modernen deutschen spontanen rede aus phonostilistischer sicht 

      Чаплінський, І. (2023)
      Die Standardaussprache spielt eine zentrale Rolle unter den verschiedenen sprachlichen Ausdrucksmitteln. Die Sprache als Hauptkommunikationsmittel beeinflusst nicht nur unser Verständnis von Botschaften, sondern auch unsere ...
    • E- навчання як елемент змішаної системи навчання 

      Гапчук, Я. (Вінниця: ВДПУ, 2020)
      Впровадження E-навчання як елементу змішаної системи навчання в освітній процес заохочує університети та школи сприяти навчанню та розширювати можливості його реалізації. Використання E-навчання є можливістю компенсації ...
    • Effective word-learning strategies for teaching english as a foreign language 

      Dovhan, L. (Вінниця: ВДПУ, 2020)
      Thus, acquisition of vocabularyshould be an important area of teaching English as a foreign language since improvements in vocabulary result in the gains in language proficiency.
    • Enhancing english language assessment through digital tools: a comprehensive exploration 

      Пугачова, Катерина (Вінниця: ВДПУ, 2023)
      There are a number of exciting future directions for research on digital assessment in English language teaching. One area of research is the development of more sophisticated digital assessment tools that can provide more ...
    • Exploring the use of storytelling in education. 

      Качуровська, Ю. (2023)
      In the modern world, possessing communicative skills is an exceptionally important aspect of personal development and successful professional growth. Specifically, monological communication, the ability to express thoughts ...
    • Formation of communicative competence as a component of soft skills of future teachers 

      Kondratieva, Olena (Вінниця : Твори, 2023)
      Thus, we came to the conclusion that the formation of communicative competence of future teachers contribute to development of soft skills, which are relevant in the process professional training of future specialists.
    • G suite platform for english teacher training 

      Glazunova, T.; Kuzmina, S. (Вінниця: ВДПУ, 2020)
      While working on the G Suite platform the faculty members of the department of foreign languages improve the awareness of technologies and the methodologies of web-based teaching. However, it is never a one-way stream. ...
    • Gamification as an effective means of learning vocabulary at english lessons. 

      Демідова, Є. (2023)
      international competitions and festivals, and for travel. Of course, for this, a child should have a significant vocabulary, so teachers strive to find the most effective methods and exercises ...